Early Stage
Download a PDF brochure of our research solutions:
Trends navigator
Would you like to get tuned into the future to capture in advance mantras, values and behaviours that will influence consumers?
Trends Navigator is Adacta’s continuous solution that intercepts both the emerging trends when they are establishing and the future trends, when they are still emitting weak signals.
The method uses a combination of different approaches: qual-quant communities, surveys, on-site observations, continuous web listening, socio-semeiotic analysis of communication codes, desk research studies.
Trend Navigator can be applied to search for socio-cultural and consumer macro and micro trends. It may also include ad-hoc deep-diving modules on specific product categories and segments.
The output is very varied and insightful and rich in business hints, as it aims to tell a real “story” about consumers’ needs and how their sensibility is evolving.
BrickTalk Workshop
Would you like to drive your stakeholders or consumers in the strategic identification of solutions to a marketing or product problem?
Through different expressive-projective tecniques that activate “hand-thinking”, BricksTalk Workshop leaves the imagination free, generates ideas and triggers strategic thinking on a precise “challenge” by actively engaging all participants.
This type of workshop is suitable for several work topics: team building, market and SWAT analyses, positioning and trade strategies, creation of value propositions, culture-change issues time scheduling of the actions to be carried out.
This is why the BricksTalk suite includes different types of possible workshops based on the underlying need: the Lego® Serious Play® Workshop, which uses the well-known certified work protocol, the Painting Workshop which is based on digitopainting, the Modeling Workshop which leverages manipulation and use of different materials to create multi-material collages.
The output consists in the documented collection of different ideas and solutions generated during the workshop through the participants’ co-creation activity.
Tnsight Hunting
Are you looking for new and relevant Consumer Insights to launch some innovation about your product?
Insight Hunting is the solution to: intercept potentially relevant insights that are not saturated yet; and identify the tension between the consumer desiderata and the market gaps and turn them into business opportunity.
Specifically chosen on the base of the problem, target or category to investigate, these tools allow to enter people’s “real” life and capture needs and motivations just “in the moment” when they come to life. The Client is invited to join the process.
The output consists in a very deep analysis of the material and in the organisation in themes of the key insights that were brought to light, enriched with any implication for the business development.
The results can be reworked in a workshop to re-write the need-states together with the Client and, starting from there, to generate new ideas and turn them into product concepts.
Agile Design Thinking
Would you like to innovate a product, service, process and obtain a prototype of the solution created by collaborative intelligence?
Agile Design Thinking is the creative, structured and smart method that aims to set up concrete and actionable solutions to innovation issues, in a quick and cost-effective way and with a certain result.
An expert facilitator engages specifically the key players (e.g. stakeholders with different roles in the company and final clients) and guides a working path that goes beyond the designing of the response to the problem by including also the solution roadmap and prototyping.
The Design Thinking is a structured science-based working funnel: it analyses the problem, establishes the work scope, identifies the obstacles, if any, formulates shared hypotheses, demonstrates them, analyses the results and draws the consequences. Through an established path, it accelerates the time and minimises the risks.
This approach uses a combination of more methods combined in a goal-oriented way (brainstorming, consumer surveys, involvement of sensory experts, interviews to stakeholders, workshops).
The output consists in setting up the prototype/solution to the problem integrated by a reportage that visually illustrates all the key passages of the working process (cartoons, photos, videos).
Research solution
Not just
Early Stage

Solutions guiding our clients in focusing the product concept and its marketing mix

Solutions aimed at directing our clients towards a better definition of a communication strategy in order to support the launch

Solutions helping companies monitor and taking care of product and brand when on the market